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Premier Course 개강일 안내
ۼ CPILS ۼ 2009-12-01 10:49:32 ȸ 7262
ȳϼ. л Ƿ CPILSԴϴ.
2010 Premier Course ˷帳ϴ.

- Basic Premier Course
: 16 (17) 
ڽⰣ : 4
ڰ : Level Test 2L ~2M

- Premier Course
:16 (17)
ڽⰣ : 8
ڰ : Level Test 2H ̻
Premier Course п Ⱓ Ƿ Ŵ ÿ
п Ŀ л н Ȱȭϴ ߵ α׷Դϴ.
Premier Course е Ծ Ź帮ڽϴ. մϴ.

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it."
(" װ ̰ܳ Ϸε ִ.")
- Helen Keller(ﷻ ̷)[ڸ ۰/, 1880-1968]

12월 중 CPILS GYM 프로그램 안내
12월 연휴 관련 CPILS 학사 일정안내
ǰ ۼ :